Cooking at Bonnies Place
9747 East 21st Street North, Wichita Kansas 67206

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class image MORE ITALIAN WITH JOE PARTEN Respondents: 2
Score: 5.00

Jane Score: 5/5
The instructor was
5 - Very Entertaining
The atmosphere was
5 - Cheerful and fun
The skills you learned were
5 - Useful and I learned new tips
I enjoyed myself and had fun
5 - Very enjoyablel
Additional comments and observations

The instructor was: I enjoyed Joe's easy going manner and his explanations of alternate foods that can be used to scale down his restaurant dishes. Well done!

Sandra Score: 5/5
The instructor was
5 - Very Entertaining
The atmosphere was
5 - Cheerful and fun
The skills you learned were
5 - Useful and I learned new tips
I enjoyed myself and had fun
5 - Very enjoyablel
Additional comments and observations

The instructor was: 10+++.....and cute to boot! :-)