CVV stands for Creditcard Validation (or Verification) Value. Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover all have a version of the CVV to reduce merchant risk in Card-Not-Present transactions (like Internet, telephone or mail-order). The CVV code adds assurance that the consumer placing the order has access or physical possession of the credit card itself in order to use the CVV code. |
The CVV is a 3 or 4 digit code embossed or imprinted on the reverse side of Visa, MasterCard and Discover cards and on the front of American Express cards. Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover have been using the CVV since the late 1990's. The CVV is an important layer of security to help you reduce your risks in accepting card-Not-Present transactions and may be required or recommended by your payment processor or merchant bank. |
Visa (three-digit CVV2 - Card Verification Value) |
Visa's Card Verification Value (CVV2) is a three-digit number on the back of your card. The full credit card number is reprinted in the signature box and at the end of the number is the CVV2. |
MasterCard (three-digit CVC2 - Card Validation Code) |
Validation Code (CVC2) is a three-digit number on the back of your card. The full credit card number is reprinted in the signature box and at the end of the number is the CVC2. |
Discover (Called the CID - Card Identification) |
Discover's Card Identification number (CID) is the last 3 digits that come after your credit card number on the back of your card. A Discover card is shown above with the security code highlighted. |
American Express (four-digit CID - Card Identification) |
The preprinted (non-embossed) Card Identification Number ("CVV2") should always appear above the account number, on either the right or the left edge of the Card. |