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class image CAFE CAMPAGNE'S FRENCH SECRETS (HANDS-ON) Respondents: 2
Score: 4.33

Nancy Score: 4.33/5
The instructor was
4 - Entertaining
The atmosphere was
4 - Fun
Complexity of the recipes
3 - Average
The food was
5 - Succulent
The skills you learned were
5 - Very Useful
I enjoyed myself and had fun
5 - Lots of fun

Naomi Score: 4.33/5
The instructor was
4 - Entertaining
The atmosphere was
5 - Cheerful
Complexity of the recipes
5 - Very Easy
The food was
5 - Succulent
The skills you learned were
3 - Average
I enjoyed myself and had fun
4 - Fun
Additional comments and observations
I would of preferred to have had a more hands on experience, learned more complex recipes and French cooking "secrets" and techniques. The food was delicious and bountiful however I would of been happier with much less, rather spending more time on cooking education.

Chef Sam Ung