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Seattle, WA 98136-1833
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class image CRAZY FOR COOKIES (HANDS-ON) Respondents: 2
Score: 4.58

Marcia Score: 4.66/5
The instructor was
5 - Very Entertaining
The atmosphere was
5 - Cheerful
Complexity of the recipes
3 - Average
The food was
5 - Succulent
The skills you learned were
5 - Very Useful
I enjoyed myself and had fun
5 - Lots of fun
Additional comments and observations
The cookie class was a lot of fun. I Learned several new tips, like how not to actually cream the butter and sugar even though the cookie recipe calls for it, how to use a pastry bag and how to make a roll of cookies. I’ll remember to combine, scrape and chill. I can’t wait to try some of the recipes on my own. Thanks!

Irene Score: 4.50/5
The instructor was
5 - Very Entertaining
The atmosphere was
4 - Fun
Complexity of the recipes
4 - Easy
The food was
5 - Succulent
The skills you learned were
5 - Very Useful
I enjoyed myself and had fun
4 - Fun

Chef Sam Ung