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Seattle, WA 98136-1833
Fax: 206.932-3852

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class image MIYABI 45TH (DEMO & PARTICIPATION) Respondents: 3
Score: 4.11

Pam Score: 4.16/5
The instructor was
3 - Ok
The atmosphere was
5 - Cheerful
Complexity of the recipes
3 - Average
The food was
5 - Succulent
The skills you learned were
4 - Useful
I enjoyed myself and had fun
5 - Lots of fun

Russell Score: 4.33/5
The instructor was
4 - Entertaining
The atmosphere was
4 - Fun
Complexity of the recipes
5 - Very Easy
The food was
5 - Succulent
The skills you learned were
4 - Useful
I enjoyed myself and had fun
4 - Fun
Additional comments and observations
It was OK: I'll attend another class. It wasn't what I expected but, for what it was, I enjoyed myself.

Marc Score: 3.83/5
The instructor was
4 - Entertaining
The atmosphere was
4 - Fun
Complexity of the recipes
4 - Easy
The food was
5 - Succulent
The skills you learned were
3 - Average
I enjoyed myself and had fun
3 - Ok
Additional comments and observations
Soma is crazy talented. I would have liked to have learned more than one recipe for the price, and for something like this which is out of the norm for so many of us...it should have been hands on like so many of your other classes. The sake master was the least dynamic instructor/speaker I've ever met, and brought down the experience. Would much rather have had that time filled with more recipes and instruction from the chef. The noodle demo was spectacular and the noodles and steak were superb.

Chef Sam Ung